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Monday 11 November 2013

The Ranting of a Warped Mind A Rejoinder to “A President without Balls by Femi Fani-Kayode”

Whenever I feel like loosening up and want to catch a good laugh (especially if none of my favorite comedians has a show on) I surf the internet for articles from Femi Fani-Kayode because they always end up been of epic pantomimic proportions.

Read as I quote from one of his latest pantomimes against his President, “If he says that he ‘is not a David’ how can he then possibly slay the ‘Goliath in the land?’. If he says that he ‘is not a General’ how can he be an effective Commander-In- Chief who commands the respect and confidence of his army and his officers? If he says that he ‘is not a lion’ how can he overwhelm the animals in our jungle that seek to destroy and ravage our land”?. Mr Femi Fani-Kayode in one breath did his utmost best to paint Mr. President as weak and incompetent by insinuating that parts of the north-eastern and north-western Nigeria be-devilled with boko haram insurgency problems should have been obliterated using military force; and in another breath allude to a sinister conspiracy and plan to disenfranchise voters in these regions from the 2015 general elections.

In a call championed by northern elders and well-meaning Nigerians, there was an over-riding consensus by patriots and progressives in our political terrain that an amnesty program be set up as an option even as the Nigerian Armed Forces sustain military action against the insurgents. This stick and carrot approach have yielded dividends in the increase in the number of youths, women and children that have being released after investigation to their state governors for rehabilitation and re-instatement into the society. The amnesty option can also be directly credited with the surge in cooperation with the military of the civil populace in the affected areas which culminated in the emergence of the Civilian JTF/Vigilante.

Ignorance is no excuse if FFK is unaware that 3 important principles of international humanitarian law that governs the legal use of force in an armed conflict are military necessity, distinction and proportionality.
For his personal education; military necessity must be an attack/action on a military objective and the harm caused to civilian property must be proportional and not excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated, distinction is differentiating between combatants and civilians while proportionality is employing force, only force reasonably necessary for military purposes with regards for the principles of humanity and chivalry.

I consider his outright condemnation of the Presidents three pronged approach of military necessity, amnesty program and negotiation option as mischievous, delusionary and hypocritical. Mr. Femi Fani-Kayode, the President has refused to and would not “odi-nise” the north-east or indeed any other part of the country like your Principal did from November 20th – 23rd in which more than 2500 unarmed civilians were killed and every single building (apart from the Bank, Anglican Church and Health Center) burnt to the ground in an attempt to portray himself as “your Lion, General or David”. He prefers being a “Jonathan”.

In obvious insobriety with devilish intentions, he made insipid remarks insinuating that Mr. President was unperturbed, detached and in his words “Just doesn’t give a damn” about the children that were killed in their school because they are Northerners and Muslims not Niger Deltans, Southerners or Christians. This wicked, tasteless, tactless, foolish and highly reckless remark was made to pour fresh fuel to already inflamed ethnic rivalry, religious intolerance and further divide Nigerians along ethnic and religious prejudices. It’s very sad and unbecoming for any politician worth his salt to try to gain political advantage and make cheap political capital from the blood of innocent Nigerian children killed in their school.

For someone that uses every medium available to him to lay claim to being cultured and well bred, FFK’s lack of decorum, objectivity and common-sense is appalling. This ex- President Olusegun Obasanjo era relic, who is driven by his morbid fear of perpetual political oblivion have been churning out articles like a photocopying machine without deep seated thought.

It’s not out of place to assume that the refusal of Mr. President to mainstream Femi Fani-Kayode into his administration has made him a willing gunner in the hands of people that don’t want this nation, Nigeria, to move forward.

Please someone should haul-in and warehouse this hate merchandising, misfiring loose cannon whose extreme buffoonery and insane delusions exemplifies the litter that covers our political landscape.

Onokwai H. Gregory writes from Abuja


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