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Saturday 5 October 2013

NEWS: 66 Reasons Why ASUU Went On Strike - Kayode Ogundamisi @Ogundamisi (Canary)

The real reasons behind ASUU strike!!! 

Dear President Jonathan this is why ASUU is on strike:

1. Less than 10% of the universities have Video Conferencing facility.
2. Less than 20% of the universities use Interactive Boards
3.More than 50% don’t use Public Address System in their lecture OVERCROWDED rooms/theatres.
4. Internet Services are non-existent,or epileptic and slow IN 99% of Nigerian Universities
5. Nigerian Universities Library resources are outdated and manually operated. Book shelves are homes to rats/cockroaches
6.No university library in Nigeria is fully automated. Less than 35% are partially automated.
7. 701 Development projects in Nigerian universities 163 (23.3%) are abandoned 538 (76.7%) are PERPETUALLY on-going projects.
Toilet IMSU, Owerri

Lab without Tools: 300 Level Biology and Biotechnology Class, Univ of Benin
8. Some of the abandoned projects in Nigerian univeristies are over 15 years old, some are over 40 years old.
9. 76% of Nigerian universities use well as source of water, 45% use pit latrine, 67% of students use bush as toilet
10. UNN and UDUS have the highest number of abandoned projects (22 and 16 respectively).
11. All NDDC projects across universities in Niger Delta States are abandoned. About 84.6% of them are students’ hostels
12. 77% of Nigerian universities can be classified as “Glorified Primary Schools” Laboratories are non existing
13. There are 8 on-going projects at the Nasarawa State University, Keffi. None of them is funded by the State Government
14. 80% of Nigerian Universities are grossly under-staffed
15. 78% of Nigerian Universities rely heavily on part-time and visiting lecturers
16. 88% of Nigerian Universities have under-qualified Academics
Kerosene Stoves as improvised Bunsen burners

Male Hostel (Malabo) Univ of Calabar
17. 90% of Nigerian Universities are bottom-heavy (with junior lecturers forming large chunk of the workforce)
18. Only 2% of Nigerian Universities attract expatriate lecturers, over 80% of Ghanian Universities attract same
19. 89% of Nigerian Universities have ‘closed’ (homogeneous staff – in terms of ethno-cultural background)
20. Based on the available data, there are 37,504 Academics in Nigerian Public Universities
21. 83% of the lecturers in Nigerian universities are male while 17% are female.
22. 23,030 (61.0%) of the lecturers are employed in Federal universities while 14,474 (39.0%) teach in State Universities.

Mechanical Engineering (Automobile) Workshop FUTO

Queuing for Water in Hostel (FUTO)
23. The teaching staff-students ratio is EMBARRASSINGLY very high in many universities
24. LECTURER STUDENT RATIO: National Open University of Nigeria 1:363 University of Abuja 1:122 Lagos State University 1:11
25. (Compare the above with Harvard 1:4; MIT 1:9; Yale 1:4, Cambridge 1:3; NUS 1:12; KFUPM 1:9; Technion 1:15).
26. Nigerian Universities Instead of having 100% Academics having PhDs, only about 43% do so. The remaining 57% have no PhDs
27. Nigerian University medical students trained in the most dangerous environment, some only see medical tools in books
28. Only 7 Nigerian Universities have up to 60% of their teaching staff with PhD qualifications
29. Photo of a typical lecture hall of MOST NIGERIAN UNIVERSITIES
30. While majority of the universities in the country are grossly understaffed, a few cases present a pathetic picture
Simultaneous lectures going on in an Improvised Facility FUTO

Medical Centre, IMSU, Owerri
31. There are universities in Nigeria which the total number of Professors is not more than Five (5)
32. Kano University of Scienc andTechnology Wudil, established in 2001 (11 years old) only 1 Professor and 25 PhD holders.
33. Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, established in 2006 has only 2 Professors and 5 PhDs
34. Ondo State University of Sci & Tech Okitipupa, established in 2008, has a total of 29 lecturers.
35. MAKE-SHIFT LECTURING SYSTEM: Out of a total of 37,504 lecturers, only 28,128 (75%) are engaged on full-time basis.
36. 9,376 (25%) Nigerian Lecturers are recycled as Visiting, Adjunct, Sabbatical and Contract lecturers.
37. In Gombe State University, only 4 out of 47 Profs are full-time and all 25 Readers are visiting
38. In Plateau State University, Bokkos, 74% of the lecturers are visiting.
39. In Kaduna State University, only 24 out of 174 PhD holders are full-time staff.
39. 700 EX-MILLITANTS in Nigeria are receiving more funds anualy than 20 Nigerian universities under ‘Amnesty Scam’
40. 80% of published journals by Nigerian University lectures have no visibility in the international knowledge community.
Chemistry Lab UNIMAID

41. No Nigerian academic is in the league of Nobel Laureates or a nominee of Nobel Prize.
42. There are only 2 registered patents owned by Nigerian Academics in the last 3 years.
43. Numerically more support staff in the services of Nigerian universities than the teaching staff they are meant to support
44. More expenditure is incurred in administration & routine functions than in core academic matters in Nigerian Universities
45. There are 77,511 full-time non-teaching staff in Nigeria’s public universities 2 Times number of academic staff
46. University of Benin, there are more senior staff in the Registrar cadre (Dep. Registrars, PARs, SARs) than Professors
47. Almost all the universities are over-staffed with non- teaching staff
48. There are 1,252,913 students in Nigerian Public Universities. 43% Female 57%Male
49. There is no relationship between enrollment and the tangible manpower needs of Nigeria.
50. Nigerian Uni Horrible hostel facilities, overcrowded, overstretched lavatory and laundry facilities, poor sanitation,etc
51. Except Nigerian Defence Acadamy Kaduna, no university in Nigeria is able to accommodate more than 35% of its students.
52. Some universities (e.g. MOUAU),female students take their bath in d open because d bathrooms are in very poor condition.
53. Laundries and common rooms in many universities have been converted into rooms where students live, in open prison style.
54. In most improvised cage called hostels in Nigerian Universities, there is no limit to the number of occupants.
55. Most State universities charge commercial rates for unfit and unsuitable hostel accommodation
56. In off-campus hostels, students are susceptible to extraneous influences and violence prostitution, rape, gang violence
57.Nigerian Univeristy Students sitting on bare floor or peeping through windows to attend lectures
58. Over 1000 students being packed in lecture halls meant for less than 150 students
59. Over 400 Nigerian University students being packed in laboratory meant for 75 students
60. Students use the bushy areas of their campus for toilet because lavatory facilities are too hazardous to use
60. University administrators Spend millions to erect super-gates when their Libraries are still at foundation level
61. Expend millions to purchase exotic vehicles for university officers even though they lack basic classroom furnishings
62. Spend hundreds of millions in wall-fencing and in-fencing when students accommodation is inadequate and in tatters
63. Govt interested in spending money on creation of new uni instead of consolidating and expanding access to existing ones
64. Govt keen to award new contracts rather than completing the abandoned projects or standardizing existing facilities
65. Govt Expend hundreds of millions paying visiting and part-time lecturers rather than recruiting full-time staff
66. Govt spending hundreds of millions in mundane administration cost instead of providing boreholes and power supplements.

Kayode Ogundamisi is a commentator on Nigerian and international affairs, he was involved in the Nigerian pro-democracy struggle, Ogundamisi survived a trumped up charge of treasonable offence against the military government of General Babangida, he was detained in Jos prison in 1991 and released after intensive local and international campaigns against the government charging him and 12 other students before a military tribunal. Ogundamisi was a frontline member of the National Association of Nigerian Student and a former secretary general of the the University of Jos Students Union in Nigeria and the O'dua Peoples Congress.

Visit his blog for more info on #WHYASUUSTRIKE: Kayode's Blog


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