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Monday 7 October 2013

FEATURES: 3 Powerful Effective Tips For Surviving A Breakup - You Don't Have To Suffer Anymore

Let's face it – surviving a break up isn't easy. Even if you're the one who did the breaking up, the days and weeks following the split are almost certainly going to be hard. And if you were the one who was broken up with, well, it's going to be a maelstrom of misery for you for a long time to come. Breaking up with someone is akin to getting a divorce, losing a loved one, moving, or getting fired on the scale of stress, and it can do terrible things to even the most steadfast person's self esteem. While a little suffering is inevitable after a break up, the good news is that there is a lot you can do to make it easier on yourself. You may feel sad for a while, but you don't have to wallow in misery. Here are the top tips for surviving a break up.

1.  Get Some Perspective.
Sure, you feel awful; gazing longingly at the front door, hoping your ex will somehow miraculously walk through it and take you back. That may even happen once in a while, but it's not usual, so don't count on it. But ask yourself, have you ever known, or even heard, of anyone who died from a break up? The answer is probably "no." The overwhelming majority of people who go through a break up get through it and move on to live happy, productive lives, so can you.

2.  Maintain a Realistic View of Your Relationship.
Is it really such a huge loss to you to no longer have this person in your life? You may think it is, but that's only because you're suffering the terrible pains of rejection. That tends to make you only think of the good things about the two of you together. In reality, your relationship may have been a hugely negative thing in your life. Determine if it was for yourself by making two lists -- one of the positive things about your relationship, and one of the negatives. If the negatives outweigh the positives, you've dodged a bullet with the break up and should consider yourself lucky. Now you can move on to more healthy and happy unions in the future.

3. Consider What You Can Do With Your New-Found Freedom.
Rather than looking at your break up as a catastrophe, look at it as an
opportunity. What can you do now that you couldn't do before? Was your ex keeping you from doing the things you enjoy? Are you now able to travel more, join groups you're interested in, go back to school, or actually have friends?
These are all things that enrich our lives, and if your ex was holding you back from them, then he or she really wasn't the one for you at all. Of course, sometimes a break up does end up being terrible mistakes. If you've gone through all three of these steps for surviving a break up and are still convinced your ex is the one for you, then you need to work on a plan to get back together. Don't worry. It can be done, no matter why you broke up (even if cheating was involved!).
In fact, you don't even have to figure out how to do it on your own, because there's a step by step guide that can show you exactly what to do to get back the one you love. There is a very effective solution I want to share with you because I know how important love is. Allow me to take you by the hand and show you exactly what to say and do to win back your ex girlfriend, boyfriend, wife or husband's attention, mind and heart - even if there's someone else.


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